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Student Protection Policy

1. Introduction and Scope

1.1 At Inchbald, we are committed to providing our students with a high-quality educational experience, within an inclusive academic community, that enables them to achieve their study goals. We recognise that sometimes things go wrong and, when they do, we welcome the opportunity to put them right as soon as possible.

1.2 The Student Protection Policy confirms to students the procedure in place should circumstances necessitate alterations to a study program.

1.3 Our policy draws on guidance from the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) and the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).

1.4 This Student Protection Policy explains what actions Inchbald would take in the event that a risk to the continuation of your studies arose. It will explain what events might trigger such a plan and the strategies in place should an unanticipated or unforeseen situation affect our ability to provide a location in which to study or the completion of a course of study.

1.5 The Compensation Policy outlined in the Finance Policy document explains the circumstances when the School may consider the payment of compensation to students.

1.6 This policy document does not cover risks to students' own circumstances, (e.g. due to personal reasons) that are outside the scope of the School.

1.7 Where appropriate, complaints about other matters will be considered under the Student Complaints and Grievance Policy.

1.8 It should be noted that we deliver validated undergraduate and postgraduate degrees which are developed and taught by us but validated by our academic partner, Wrexham Glyndwr University (WGU).

1.11 The School's Disciplinary Policy and Procedures covers general matters of misconduct. Complaints about student and/or staff behaviour which constitutes a disciplinary offence may be dealt with under the Disciplinary Policy and Procedures

1.12 Academic appeals will come under the remit of the Academic Board and as such will be separate from Complaints and Grievances policy.

2. Definitions

"Inchbald School of Design" is the institution providing the teaching and may be referred to as 'Inchbald School of Design' or 'The School'

"Student" is someone who is registered as attending Inchbald school of Design for any educational course and has undergone the enrolment process, whether actively on program at the time and before any formal cessation of studies

3. Policy Statements

The principles which underpin this Student Protection and Compensation Policy are:

3.1 The School's priority is to ensure that students receive the educational experience outlined in the course information. If, as a result of the activation of measure outlined in the Protection Policy and through investigation it is concluded that this has not been the case compensation may be offered.

3.2 Inchbald School is cognisant of the guidance of OIA in considering the appropriate response in regard to compensation.

4. Protection Policy

4.1 This Student Protection Policy explains what actions Inchbald would take in the event that a risk to the continuation of your studies arose. It will explain what events might trigger such a plan and layout strategies in place should an unanticipated or unforeseen situation affect our ability to provide a location in which to study or the completion of a course of study.

4.2 Who does the policy cover?

The plan covers enrolled students only and does not apply to those who have yet to commence studies, i.e. their course has not yet started, unless they are returning students expecting to complete the next academic year within an undergraduate or post graduate qualification, validated by Wrexham Glyndwr University (WGU). We are independent from our academic partner, (WGU) and whilst they would assist us in matters affecting academic progress their protection plan does not cover students at Inchbald.

4.3 When does the policy apply?

In the event of a course failing to run due to circumstances beyond the control of the School.

4.4 What situations might trigger the action of the policy?

The policy may be invoked in the following examples but not limited to them:

Inchbald ceases to operate through no choice of its own;
Inchbald's academic partner ceases to operate through no choice of its own.

Inchbald loses its licence to grant CAS numbers which affects recruitment to the point that there are insufficient students on a course;
Courses are subject to long term disruption due to closure of a building due to it being rendered unsafe i.e. fire.

4.5 Notification that the policy was to be actioned.

Students will be informed of any change that would potentially trigger the activation of the policy at a specially convened meeting. Inchbald would consult with students and discuss what the best course of action may be. Inchbald may possibly amend aspects of the resulting procedure as a result of consultation.

4.6 In the event of the policy being triggered.

Inchbald will make every endeavour to 'teach out' the courses that are running to the date advertised within the year of study.

Inchbald would advise and assist those who's courses that attract academic credits, to find alternative courses with another provider and where possible arrange direct entry onto such a course.

4.7 What is the likelihood of academic reasons triggering the plan?

Inchbald has robust and effective quality processes in place, as evidenced by reports by our External Examiners and the QAA findings. The risk of an academic reason making us unable to provide a course to you at the quality you expect, is low.

The list below shows the likely format of how policy may work. However, in each varying situation the School would want to develop specific responses and measures applicable to that situation.

In the event of a course being cancelled.

The School's normal response would be to 'teach out' the current course or transfer to another provider. If these outcomes are not possible the individual student situations would be considered on a case by case basis.

Arrangements for continuation of study would be based on the academic level and how far the student had progressed in terms of that level and, in the case of WGU validated courses the awarding of credits which would allow a transfer to another institution to complete a course.

In the event of the location being unavailable due to long term disruption.

Inchbald would ensure every attempt would be made to accommodate the students within suitable accommodation would be sort as close to the current building as possible.

Inchbald Diploma programs are available in an On-Line format, and it may be suitable for some students to transfer to that mode of study.

If these options did not meet with the requirements of students with ability specific challenges this would be explored on a case-by-case basis.

4.8 Inchbald's priority will always be to ensure students receive the education outlined in the course descriptors and information. If through investigation it is concluded that this has not been the case, due to factors which trigger the protection policy, appropriate compensation may be offered.

4.9 Inchbald is cognisant of the guidance of the OIA in line with their indicative definitions in regard to the banding of the inconvenience caused and the subsequent financial compensations should they be appropriate. Circumstances will always be specific to individual students and will be considered in the determination of compensation.

5. Implementation and Monitoring

5.1 The implementation of these policies is managed via school and faculty plans which will take account of any outcomes of previously upheld claims.

5.2 We will report on the operation of the Protection and Compensation Policy to our Management committee to ensure its processes are working as intended and are in the best interests of students and the institution.

5.3 Anonymised summaries of student experience and how they have been managed will be presented, if available, from time to time to the relevant committees.

6. Responsible Parties

6.1 The Chairs of the Student Voice and Student Staff committee will be responsible for managing the Student Complaints and Grievances processes, maintaining central records and ensuring formal complaints are allocated within the structure of the policy.

6.2 The Management committee will be responsible for reviewing the Annual Report and ensuring that all the findings are actioned across the school.

6.3 The Management committee will be responsible for reviewing this Policy annually when considering the Annual report.

6.4 The Board of Directors will need to approve any changes to this policy before coming into force.

7. Reference Points


  • Admissions Policy
  • Student Disciplinary Procedures


  • Wrexham Glyndwr University Student Complaints Policy
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

8. Version History

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